December 14, 2016
BLOG: What can we expect from the Windows 10 update?

Windows 10 update

The Windows 10 Anniversary update, dubbed the Windows 10 Creators update, is coming. And the buzz surrounding it is huge. Microsoft has been working tirelessly to bring some incredible new features that will really blow customers and competitors out of the water.

Microsoft hasn’t been coy about their developments over the last year, leaving expectations high. It announced a myriad of goodies last week, all specifically designed to please IT administrators and simplify the management of Windows 10 inside large enterprises. The company has been attempting to get enterprise companies to make the switch to Windows 10 for quite some time, but due to their size and user numbers, this has proven difficult with numbers marginally increasing bit by bit. But this new Creators update, it hopes, will be the turning point. So what exactly can we expect from one of the largest technology companies on the planet?

Increased security

The more we rely on technology, the more we are vulnerable to security breaches. These threats are becoming increasingly more sophisticated, so in order to cement itself as the pioneer in computer security, Microsoft wants to improve the tools it gives security professionals in Windows Defender ATP, the Windows 10 advanced threat protection dashboard.

So it can increase protection for machines and their users, Microsoft is adding both in-memory and in-kernel threat detection, while also trying to expand the toolkit in order to give security teams more weapons to keep these at bay. Microsoft’s other weapon in its armory is its partnership with security firm, FireEye, which will enable them to share threat data.

The final line of defense is Microsoft’s new tools for isolating attackers should an attack be successful. This will enable users to either follow the attacker and learn about them, or kick them out of the network immediately. This is a turning point for Microsoft as in the past these threats have simply been removed, but by allowing experts the option to learn about them and how they managed to attack their systems, it will make them stronger in the future.

Enhanced device management

Another modern-day demand of businesses is accurate device management. And Microsoft looks to have responded. The company announced a number of device management enhancements, including an update to Windows Analytics which will give admins insight on devices with Windows 10 and understand if they are ready. This update will also allow the IT to operate like a service for end users – something Microsoft is hoping will happen as Windows 10 permeates the enterprise.

Finally, Microsoft will be offering device management options. The first of which is designed for customers who offer a combination of company-issued devices and BYOD (bring your own device). Firms will be able to control access to Windows/Office content on enrolled devices – even if the company isn’t using a mobile device management (MDM) tool.

A 3D focus

Looking like Microsoft’s most creative update yet, it will make using PCs easier for those in the creative industries. According to the giant, large parts of the upgrade are explicitly designed to help workers within design and media to implement 3D systems into their daily work. The iconic Paint app will get an advanced makeover, complete with 3D features. Microsoft says it will be completely redesigned and will be its most advanced offering to date by taking advantage of the Surface Pen to enable users draw directly on to the screen for the very first time. Users will be able to easily create 3D objects through the Surface Pen or mouse, before sharing them online. There is also set to be a library of preloaded 3D shapes that can be edited, as well as allow for comprehensive models to be created.

Along with the all-new Paint, Microsoft will also be giving other iconic apps a 3D makeover, bringing support for 3D object manipulation to some of its most iconic preinstalled apps. PowerPoint will have the capacity to have either original or stock 3D models added into slides. In addition, 3D items will be included in order to give audiences a more in-depth look, along with detailed transitions. This will let users zoom in on certain areas and mix together 2D and 3D content.

Aside from these, we expect a couple of other surprises to keep us on our toes.

Microsoft says the update will be released early in the new year, so there’s not too long to wait.

Are you looking forward to the update – will it make you consider making the switch to Microsoft?

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