How can biology help improve computer memory?
Coming as somewhat of a surprise to some, it’s been well documented that Microsoft has been working with DNA researchers and experts in order to look into ways that human DNA can improve the way data is stored. Potentially changing the industry forever, this foray into exploring the oldest living thing in the world could help the population to avoid a severe shortage of data storage. But what exactly is the science behind this, and how would the process work?
Where did the idea come from?
Hoping to create a more efficient storage unit than current technologies, the idea essentially came from archeologists. Long-buried human ancestors that have been found and excavated have shown scientists that DNA is both stable and able to survive intact for thousands of years. Taking that to another level, Microsoft, along with biology startup Twist Bioscience, have used that to inform the prospect of long-term and sustainable data storage.
How will it work?
DNA molecules, like computers, encode information into discrete units. DNA is made up of four of these – called nucelotides – referred to as A, C, G and T. Long strands of DNA are made up of a sequence of these, with a particular order representing a specific piece of information. Transferring the 1s and 0s of binary code into the four bases of DNA, this will allow for the transfer of data from the digital to the biological. Unlike our current electronic storage systems which need specified maintenance and take up huge amounts of space, DNA is still readable after thousands of years, and thanks to the compact nature of DNA, it means that data could be stored in less than 20 grams of DNA.
What does the future hold?
If successful, the results could change the face of data storage forever. Even with substantial technological advancements, such as larger and faster hard drives, technology still hasn’t caught up with nature. Still a couple of years away from a commercial product that would be viable and available, early signs show that the new developments will be able to increase both the longevity and density of data storage.
Microsoft have long been leaders and innovators in the computer technology field, however thanks to the announcement that they are investing in DNA data storage, they have brought the idea to the forefront of many people’s minds. Potentially creating the future made up of our pasts, the new developments could turn the tide and create an almost unlimited amount of space for secure data storage.